Tuesday, September 30, 2008

In the beginning...

Well I'm doing it - this is my first ever blog and my first ever major goal that I've set for myself that I truly feel I can and want to achieve. I'm thinking if I actually blog my way through it, I may actually stay more accountable and on-track to actually get this achieved!

Little history about me -

I'm a 26 year old that is getting married next May. I've been fairly good about getting routine exercise in, but always did it thinking that 20-30 minutes in the gym once or twice a week would somehow work off the 20 to 30 pounds I'd like to loose. I've done the diet thing and HATE HATE HATE to have to count points, feel restricted when going to eat out (which seems to happen quite a bit on the weekends...) and longingly look at chocolate, mashed potatoes, steak, and all of the other wonderful foods out there. I'm the first to admit I could do much better about what I eat to really start loosing the weight. But I'm also not going to sacrifice being hungry and unhappy with flavorless food every stinking day!!! :-)

So, back to the reason I'm doing this blog...
As I mentioned, I've never really set attainable goals in my life. Goals that I had set before quickly became "eh, i'm over that now" thinking.
But I have something to really push myself this time - my wedding in May 2009. Yeah I'd like to loose weight for it - but I'm not setting a pound goal. That's never worked for me and I just get disappointed when I don't reach it.

So as I started my workout last night on the treadmill, I thought to myself, ok, I'm going to run a full mile tonight. While I've tried to be good about working out, I really don't have much endurance built up, so running a full mile was a bit of a push for me. As I was trucking along, I got to thinking - I need something to keep me motivated to keep coming here and doing this all winter. So, that's when I decided - I WANT TO BE ABLE TO RUN AT LEAST 5 MILES BY MY WEDDING!!

Well the rest of my workout last night was successfull - I ended up running 1 1/4 miles straight, then walked a bit, then ran/walked for another 2.75 miles. By the end of it, I was proud of what I had pushed to do that night.

On the way home, my fiance called and I told him about my revolutionay goal of running 5 miles by the wedding. So, now that I've expressed it to him, I figured I really have to go through with it!! So the game is on.

So here I go - running off into the sunsets until May... :-)