Wednesday, November 26, 2008


...haven't been good again. Planning on getting back after the Thanksgiving weekend.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Wednesday night

Yeah the Wednesday night workout didn't happen...I decided to stay home and play with my new VERY cool cell phone!!! :-)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Tuesday night

Well surprisingly I've been able to get back 'on track' (hehehe - running - on the track...nevermind) fairly easily. I went to the gym last night again - even though I really just wanted to stay home and watch TV. But I went and it went pretty good. I started out with a quick warm up walk then started in with the run. I was doing pretty good and started to wonder if I could do 3 miles straight. Well about 1.5 in to in, I knew that wasn't happening. But I did crank out another 1/2 mile, to get 2 straight miles in. I felt like I was about to die then. :-) I slowed down and walked for 1/4 mile, then sped back up and went for another mile, to get my 3 miles in. I wondered if I could crank out another 2, but my legs felt like they were seriously about to fall off by the end of that 1, so I didn't push it any more. I walked out another 1.25 miles for a total of 4.25 for the night, which I think has been the farthest I've gone so far in my hour workout!!

I'm planning on going agan tonight so we'll see how that goes!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Back in it

Alright - I'm back in the game.

I will admit - the last couple weeks have been a nice little break - although I totally could tell I wasn't doing much. It's crazy how much a couple days off can affect things.

I got back in to the swing of things Sunday night. I was totally planning on going to the gym at 7, come to find out from my roommate who had just been there, that they close at 7 on Sunday! So I was mad about that but not about to just give up another night (especially after having my family's Thanksgiving this past weekend and eating entirely too much and so starting to feel it...)

So I decided to try the exercise programs on On Demand on TV. I feel like a FOOL when I do these, but it actually turned out to be not too bad! I found a Biggest Loser one, which I found to be REALLY good. It's nice to see 'normal' size people doing the workout (and making mistakes and not doing it perfectly all the time) instead of the fit, toned, muscular people that you usually have on these types of things.

So anyway, it was a 20 minute program that was geared more towards toning with weights than a cardio workout. And I actually broke a pretty good sweat doing it, which either proves I am still completly out of shape....or I needed to turn down the thermostat in the house. :-)

After doing that Sunday night, I decided to start doing this On Demand thing in the mornings before work. So Monday morning that's what I did! I woke up at 5:45 and went out and did the weight toning one again. Then last night I went in to the gym as well. I figured I would be all sorts of out of shape because I hadn't had a good workout in a good 2 weeks. I warmed up a bit then started running. I was hoping to get a mile in running wise. Sure enough I did, and was doing ok, so I kept going for another .5, to get 1.5 under the belt. I slowed down and walked for about .25, then sped back up and was going to try to get another mile in. Sure enough I was still doing ok, and was able to get 1.5 in. So I got 3 miles of running in total, which I felt great about! With another 1 total of walking, I was still able to get back to my 4 miles total for the night.

Oh yeah - the morning weight workout didn't happen this morning either. I was actually a little sore from doing it, and when the alarm went off at 5:45 this morning I said "nuh-uh" and shut it off and crawled back in. I'll do the weight workout tonight before I go to the gym again. :-)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


So I've been a slacker lately. :-)

As much as I'd like to say I have been super busy and haven't had time to get in to the gym, well, it wouldn't be entirely true. I have been a little more busy lately with various wedding things, but if I really wanted to, I could have gotten in to the gym.

A LOT of my procrastination has been on the craptastic weather we've been having here. Have I mentioned before how much I HATE the cold? Yeah - HATE it. And the past couple nights it's been rainy out too. Fan-freaking-tastic. All I've wanted to do is curl up on the couch in my blanekt and sleep - which I've done the last 2 nights!

I'll get back in the swing of things soon. I'm going to try to get in after work tonight and tomorrow and maybe sometime Friday.

I'm still not giving up. Just taking a little break. :-)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Tuesday night

Well I got back in the swing of things - sort of.

I did my American duty and voted last night (yay Obama!!!). And yeah - you can be totally jealous that it took me less than 5 minutes to get in, vote and get out!

Ok, back to the I started off with a 5 minute warmup then started out running. I knew I wouldn't be at full-strength since I had been so bad about getting in the last week. But I thought I'd push and try to get 2 miles of running straight in. So I sped up and started going, but oh the going was tough. About 3/4 miles in to it, my side/stomach was cramping up something FIERCE!!! I finished out a mile of running, but had to slow down and take it easy as I couldn't breathe well because of the pain in my side. So I slowed down and caught my breath and walked it out for a while, then thought I'd try a run again. Yeah that wasn't a good idea. Same thing. So I decided I'm not blowing another night of working out and that I'd just walk the hour out at a fairly speedy walking pace and at an incline. That seemed to work. Towards about the last 15 minutes of my hour I was feeling a little better so I decided to try to run again and was able to get another 3/4 miles in of running.

Although I was mad that I couldn't have run more, I was happy that I pushed the walking pace and did an incline though because I still got 4 miles total in.

Tonight better be better... :-)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Last couple days

Ok so the last couple days haven't been good.

Las Friday was Halloween and by the times the kiddos stopped coming around it was 8:45ish and I was a tired girl, so I didn't go. Saturday I was good and went and got a workout in. Wow - I could definitely tell I hadn't been in in a while though! But I got through it.
Sunday Brock and I decided to enjoy the BEAUTIFUL weather and went golfing. Now I could pretend and say I got my workout in then, but no, we used a cart so there wasn't much exercise involved at all! :-)

Last night I wanted to go, but once again, that didn't happen. I had an appointment to talk with the flower lady for the wedding at 6:30. I was thinking it would take 1/2 an hour at the most. Yeah it took 1 1/2 hours. So I didn't get home until 8. I still hadn't eaten, so I had a bowl of cereal. By the time I was done with that and got around, it was 8:45 and with this stinking time change, I was TIRED.

I AM getting in tonight though. My roommate and I are voting on our way home, so I'm hoping that doesn't take too tremendously long. As long as I'm home from that by 8, this girl is getting back in the gym!!!