Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Last couple days

Ok so the last couple days haven't been good.

Las Friday was Halloween and by the times the kiddos stopped coming around it was 8:45ish and I was a tired girl, so I didn't go. Saturday I was good and went and got a workout in. Wow - I could definitely tell I hadn't been in in a while though! But I got through it.
Sunday Brock and I decided to enjoy the BEAUTIFUL weather and went golfing. Now I could pretend and say I got my workout in then, but no, we used a cart so there wasn't much exercise involved at all! :-)

Last night I wanted to go, but once again, that didn't happen. I had an appointment to talk with the flower lady for the wedding at 6:30. I was thinking it would take 1/2 an hour at the most. Yeah it took 1 1/2 hours. So I didn't get home until 8. I still hadn't eaten, so I had a bowl of cereal. By the time I was done with that and got around, it was 8:45 and with this stinking time change, I was TIRED.

I AM getting in tonight though. My roommate and I are voting on our way home, so I'm hoping that doesn't take too tremendously long. As long as I'm home from that by 8, this girl is getting back in the gym!!!

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