Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Tuesday night

Well surprisingly I've been able to get back 'on track' (hehehe - running - on the track...nevermind) fairly easily. I went to the gym last night again - even though I really just wanted to stay home and watch TV. But I went and it went pretty good. I started out with a quick warm up walk then started in with the run. I was doing pretty good and started to wonder if I could do 3 miles straight. Well about 1.5 in to in, I knew that wasn't happening. But I did crank out another 1/2 mile, to get 2 straight miles in. I felt like I was about to die then. :-) I slowed down and walked for 1/4 mile, then sped back up and went for another mile, to get my 3 miles in. I wondered if I could crank out another 2, but my legs felt like they were seriously about to fall off by the end of that 1, so I didn't push it any more. I walked out another 1.25 miles for a total of 4.25 for the night, which I think has been the farthest I've gone so far in my hour workout!!

I'm planning on going agan tonight so we'll see how that goes!!

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