Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Tuesday night

Last night was a good night. I got home from work, had a bowl of cereal for supper, then headed to the gym at about 6:45. I was going to do the Body Pump class at the Y to start getting some weight training back in. But I figured I would be good and go do some cardio before hand too. So I got about 25 minutes of the elliptical machine in before the hour long class. I think this is going to be good for me. I felt good after the body pump class - now we'll see how sore I get today from it!!

The plan is to go and do at least an hour of cardio tonight again. I hate to say it, but I may have to switch over to the elliptical machine for at least half, if not more of the time that I'm there. It's SOOO much easier on my knees and I almost feel like I get more accomplished on it than running on the treadmill. We'll see how it goes!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Monday night

Monday night didn't prove to be too exciting. I started out on the treadmill, but wasn't have a very good time, so I did 1 1/2 miles total running, then decided I wanted to do the elliptical for the last 1/2 hour. Oh jeez. It was SOOOO much easier on my knees!!! In my effort to loose a little before this wedding, I may need to curb the treadmill for a while and go to the elliptical as I can go faster and further and burn more calories on that in an hour that I do on the stupid treadmill. :-)

I'm going to a weight class tonight as I'm hoping a combination of cardio and weights will bring off some weight a little quicker now.

We'll see how it goes!

Friday, January 9, 2009

3-mile Thursday

So I wasn't having the best day yesterday. I was just in a funk. Nothing really in particular - just the winter blues I think.

So when I went to the gym, I didn't know what I wanted to do that night. So I decided I'm going to cover the display thing on the treadmil and just run until I can't run anymore. Well this proved to be pretty darn successful actually!

I got bored pretty quickly though not being able to look at the screen and know where I was at, so I started peeking. Yeah first peek I was only about 1/2 a mile in to it. But I was feeling good with the running, so I kept going. Once I hit 1 mile, I deciced to really see how far I could go without stopping. I got to 1 1/2 and told myself go for 2. I got to 2 and decided to really push it and go for 3 straight. I was getting super tired and had to hop off for a quick 5 seconds to take a couple deep breaths, but I did end up finishing up the 3 miles straight!!! I think I'm going to stick with trying to go the straight distance now rather than breaking up the miles like I had been...

So yeah, it was a pretty good night. That's the furthest I've ran straight so I guess I'm another notch closer to the 5-mile mark!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Wednesday night

Have I mentioned how much I HATE the cold weather. Hate it. Absolutely hate it. I should really try to convince Brock to move to Arizona. :-)

Anyway, well last night I did end up going to the gym, as much as I didn't want to and much would have preferred to stay cuddled up with my blanket on the couch.

But I went. And while it definitely SUCKS knowing where I was at last month and being able to pull 5 miles out that one night, and now where I'm at after taking a couple weeks off, well it's a little depressing. But I'm still going, and hopefully the endurance will start to work up again. I got through my first mile last night pretty easily actually, so that was a good feeling. I didn't know how much I would try to do, so I kinda just went with it and ended up running another 2 1-mile stretches then, for a total of 3 miles of running last night, which I felt ok with.

My goal with this whole thing might be changing though. I originally started doing this so it would motivate me to go work out to loose some weight before the wedding. Granted I'm just now starting to really watch what I'm eating as well, and I'm hoping that will help shed a few pounds. But I may switch focus for a little bit and start doing the elliptical machine soon - partly because it's SO much easier on my knees...and partly because I guess I burn more calories when I do that as opposed to the treadmill. We'll see though. I'm going to keep doing the treadmill for maybe the remainder of this month, and if I'm still not seeing results on the scale, I'll be switching over to the elliptical for a while...

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

shopping... :-)

Ok, so I didn't go to the gym last night. I was on a mission to get some shopping done that I've wanted to do for a while, so if I play the excuse card, I'll say that I did walk around the mall quite a bit!! :-) By the time I was done, it was 8:45, which meant I wouldn't have gotten more than a 1/2 hour workout in before the closed, and I still needed to go home and clean my kitchen because it was a MESS!!!

But, I am going tonight. No excuses. I have nothing else to do, so that's all I'm planning on for the night!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Year - new hope

Yeah, so the end of the year didn't turn out so well for working out. We were busy with Christmas and other holiday running around, none of which helped any more on the goal of running 5 miles.

So, now that we're in the new year, I'm going to try to get back on track. And, if my knees have anything to do about it, it's going to be a PAIN to get there (litereally).

I started out last night back at the gym. I knew the night wasn't going to be pretty since I hadn't been there in a while. And it wasn't. I got through running a mile straight, walked my little bit, then started back up running, but was slowed down after another 1/2 mile in to it with shin splints or something that felt like my bone between my knee and my ankle was about to split in half. Yeah it didn't feel good. So I slowed down and walked out another mile at an incline, just to get some good calorie burning in for the night.

So, the plan is to go back tonight again. We'll see how that turns out...