Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Year - new hope

Yeah, so the end of the year didn't turn out so well for working out. We were busy with Christmas and other holiday running around, none of which helped any more on the goal of running 5 miles.

So, now that we're in the new year, I'm going to try to get back on track. And, if my knees have anything to do about it, it's going to be a PAIN to get there (litereally).

I started out last night back at the gym. I knew the night wasn't going to be pretty since I hadn't been there in a while. And it wasn't. I got through running a mile straight, walked my little bit, then started back up running, but was slowed down after another 1/2 mile in to it with shin splints or something that felt like my bone between my knee and my ankle was about to split in half. Yeah it didn't feel good. So I slowed down and walked out another mile at an incline, just to get some good calorie burning in for the night.

So, the plan is to go back tonight again. We'll see how that turns out...

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