Thursday, December 18, 2008

5 mile night!!!

So I didn't quite get in to the gym Monday night as my roommate and I were running much needed-to-do errands around town.

So Tuesday night I was a very motivated girl and went. And boy did I go! :-)

I was determined to do something big again, so thanks to the Biggest Loser finale being on, I decided I wasn't quiting until I had run 5 miles (total, not straight through) that night. And gosh darnit I DID IT!!!

I stuck with my .25 mile walk, 1 mile run routine, and sure enough after a little more than an hour, I had run 5 1-mile stretches with a 1/4 mile walk in between each one, for a total of 6.5 miles total that night!!!!! AHHHH!!!!

I was SOOOOO sore after it and I think I over extended my knee as it wasn't feeling to great yesterday, but it's since come back to normal and I'm feeling great about my accomplishment!

So yeah, after I had the 5 mile night on Tuesday, I decided to let my knee take a night off last night (wed.). And tonight (Thursday), I'm going out to eat with my roommate before she moves this weekend, so I actually got my butt out of bed this morning at 5:00 and went! I only got 2 miles of running in before I needed to head home, which was probably more than I should have done though because when I got home,well, the leftovers that I had the night before weren't sitting to well and I wasn't feeling the hottest. But I slept it off and am feeling a little better now.

So we'll see what happens Friday. I'll do my darndest to get in to the gym Friday night, and if not, for sure on Saturday then!

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