Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Little bit farther!

Well so far this week I'm doing good getting in to the gym! I went in last night and actually ended up going the furthest I've ever gone so far!

I started out with my quick warm up walk, then started in for the first part of the run. I had been going 1 mile stretches the past couple days, so I decided to push a little bit and go for 1.5 for the first one, which I did! After getting done with that, I walked for .25, then got up and ran another 1 mile, slowed down for .5, then sped back up for the last running stretch. I was so stinking tired by now though. I was hoping to do another full mile, but didn't think that was going to happen once I got about 1/2 done with it, so I pushed myself and finished out with another 1/4, for a total of .75 for the last running stretch - so my total of running last night was 3.25. I did decide to go a little longer on the walking stretch at the end though and finished out with a total of just over 4.5 miles!! I think it's the furthest I've gone so far to date! I was thinking of staying on and going the full 5, but my legs were SORE and I was a tired girl, so I decided to duck out just a bit before getting there.

I'm definitely feeling the extra push today too. I woke up this morning and man my legs were not ready to get up. My calves are tight and my quads are achy, but I'm still planning on getting in again tonight, so we'll see how that turns out!

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