Friday, December 12, 2008


my intentions were good, but once again, no gym last night.

Here's the story...
I've been seeing so many girls at work here in these cute little dresses - sweater dresses, wrap dresses, all sorts of cuteness. So I decide that I too need to be part of this fashion craze. So I headed to the mall right after work. I had talked to my old roommate who had just gotten a cute dress at Penny's, so that's where I went. After trying on about 10 dresses, I decided the sweater dresses are NOT for me (and seriously wonder how anyone with any sort of curve on them can wear these things - I swear - you have to be a rectangle to pull those off). Anyway, by the time I was done with that, and a little more shopping at the mall, it was 8:00. I still needed to go to Target though too and get food for tonight (Brock's brother and friends are coming over for a poker night). Well by the time I was done at Target, it was 9:00. I then still had to go home, make brownies, and clean up my house before I have company over.
So, the gym was out of the picture. I was rather mad at myself for taking so long trying on dresses (although I did find a super cute black dress that I ended up getting...). :-)

And once again, no gym tonight as I have to finish cleaning and making the rest of the food now tonight. But I AM getting in on Saturday. I absolutly 100% am getting in on Saturday. If I don't, Tiff, you have permission to kick me when you see me on Sunday!!!

1 comment:

Tiff said...

Good morning, Laura...this is your wake up call. Get up and GO TO THE GYM!!!