Thursday, October 30, 2008

Busy week...Uuuhhhggg

Wow. I can't beleive this week is almost done. And that I only had one chance to get in to the gym on Monday!
Tuesday night I got a massage (it was my Valentine's day gift from Brock this past year that I finally had a great time to use) - it felt AMAZING! Especially after having ran 2 2.5 mile stints in the last 3 days.
Wednesday night I stayed in Lincoln and went house shopping with my roommate as she's looking to buy down there. We didn't get home until 9:15ish and I was a tired girl.
Tonight, Thursday night, I went to look at wedding invitations when I got in to town. I was there until 7:00. Then I had to get groceries, so by the time I got home it was 8. I am in desperate need to do laundry too so that's getting done tonight in place of a workout.
Tomorrow - Friday night - Halloween - I will be handing out candy to my neighboor kiddos. I'm hoping to make it in to the gym tomorrow after trick-or-treating slows down.

Uuuhhhggg...yeah I'm ready for this week to be over and have my normal 'I have no life' life back. :-)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I did it again! :-)

Yep, I did it again... I ran 2.5 miles straight last night!! I was worried that I wasn't going to be able to do it again, but sure enough, I started right out running last night at the gym and wanted to see if I could do it, and I DID!! Man it felt good too!

I slowed down and caught my breath for 1/2 a mile after it, then figured to keep pushing and picked up and ran another mile. So I got 3 1/2 miles of running in last night - as well as .75 of walking, so I had a total of 4.25 miles last night - all in an hour!!

Yeah, I'm feeling pretty good right now! :-)

Monday, October 27, 2008

Good weekend

This was a good weekend.

Friday night I got to hang out with Brock as he got off of work early and decided not to do school work that night (yay!!!), so I didn't get a workout in that night. It's ok though cause I ROCKED it Saturday!

Saturday afternoon we weren't doing much (Brock was doing homework) so I was just hanging out watching TV by myself. I knew we were going out that night for his sister-in-law's birthday and that we were eating at a steak house, so I decided to be good and hit the gym. The Nebraska game was still on and I was really hoping the Y would have it on. Sure enough they did.
I started off running right out of the gate. I don't know if it was that I took Friday off or that I just had more energy because of working out in the afternoon rather than the late evening, but it felt good. I only had about 45 minutes for time though, so I figured if I could maybe get 2 miles of running in I'd be good. I figured I'd do my run 1, walk a bit and run the next. But I got going and the going was good, and I kept on it. A mile passed and I was just fine, so I figured I'd keep going for 1.5. That came and I thought go for 2 or more - and I did!

I GOT TO 2.5 MILES STRAIGHT!!! At the very slow running pace that I go - that was 30 minutes of constant running!!! I totally remember when I could barely go for 5 minutes before feeling like my legs were out of energy - and now I just went for 1/2 an hour!!!

I didn't get in on Sunday but I am planning on going tonight - we'll see what I can do then!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Thursday night

So the day off I took on Wednesday from working out was a good idea. I felt MUCH better yesterday.

I started off last night's work out with my .25 warm up walk, then started in for the run. I decided I was going to do the 3 1-mile runs again. As I was going I was watching The Office, so the run didn't seem as bad. I got to my mile marker and figured I could keep going a little more, so I pushed to 1.5. Then I slowed down for another .25 walk, then back up again for another mile run. I was really starting to feel it by the end of the 2nd mile run. Slowed down again for another .25 mile walk, then started back up on mile 3's run. I was dead. I got .25 in to it and my legs were killing me. I decided technically I only needed .5 to do 3 miles of running, so I finished out that .5 and cooled down with a walk the rest of the way out.

Although I didn't get my last mile of running in, I did step up the speed of the first 1.5 miles from what I've been doing, so I feel good about that!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Sore and achy = no workout

Not much to report for last night - as you can see by the title of this one i was NOT feeling like running 3 miles last night. My entire body just ached for the past 2 days so I decided to rest and not do anything - and I'm glad I did. I feel much better today - not sore, not achy, and totally ready to go to the gym tonight and watch a little Grey's Anatomy during my run!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Cold weather sucks

I know, I know...I've been bad about keeping this updated. 1/2 of it is because I kinda forgot to keep it updated the past couple days, but I guess the other 1/2 is that I haven't been good about going to the gym!

Last Thursday I had to stay in town for work so I went to the gym there, but when I started my run, I knew I wasn't going far. I ran 1/2 a mile and felt like keeling over. Now mind you this was the day after I had ran my 2 miles straight, so I was sore and tired and didn't feel like I had anything left in me. But I decided to not make it a total waste and ended up getting a 2 mile walk in still.

Friday night I went out to supper with an old friend in Omaha and when I got home I sat on the couch and fell asleep at seriously 8:30, which PS felt AMAZING!
Saturday Leigh came in to town and Brock and Leigh and I went and watched the game at DJ's Dugout, then Leigh and I did some shopping in the afternoon and didn't get home until 7, which by that time the Red Sox game was on and that was about the only time I got to spend with Brock that weekend, so I stayed and in and watched that with him.
Sunday there was a bridal fair at the MAC in Council Bluffs, so I went to that in the afternoon. If I would have been good, I would have gone to work out after I got done with that, but eh - why do that? I decided to wait another day.
Monday night was another night I really should have gone, but I told myself I needed one more day of not doing anything (as if I hadn't not done enough of not doing anything on Sunday)... :-)

So, that gets me to last night - Tuesday night. I went. And I did better than I thought I would!
Started off with a 1/4 mile walk warm-up then sped up for my run. I didn't know how long I'd be able to go since I hadn't done much the last couple days. As I was chugging along I decided I'd do 3 1-mile legs with a little walk in between them. So I finished out that mile, walked for 1/4, ran another, walked a 1/2, then ran the final mile, then cooled down with another 1/4 mile walk. I was EXAUSTED!! But proud that I did 3 miles with very little walk-time between them.

And now sure enough I'm feeling it today. I'm sitting here at work thinking how great a back massage would be right now...good thing Brock got me a gift certificate for one last Valentine's day that I hadn't had a good opportunity to use yet! Yeah I called this morning and have an appointment next Tuesday to get one. CAN'T WAIT for that!!

Oh yeah - and I hate the cold weather that's coming. HATE IT! Not looking foward to snow, not looking foward to 10, 20, 30 degree weather. The 50 degrees that it was down to last night on the way in to the gym was bad enough. Grrrrr....maybe I should move down to AZ and live with Meg this winter... ;-)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Another MILE-stone

So last night was a pretty sucessful night. I delayed going to the gym for just a bit to go check out the new fall boots at DSW (and found about 4 pair that I want...). Oh so much fun. Anyway - then I finally got to the gym and wasn't too excited since the only thing on TV's was the debates, a soccer game, or some other show I didn't want to watch. So I decided to do a little music instead. I started off with a .25 mile walk to warm up, then started running. As I got going, I was somewhat watching the debate anyway, and it looked like Barack was doing a good job, so I decided to tune in for a while. Surprisingly I actually watched it for a good while.

As I was chugging along though I was felling pretty good and decided - ok, I'm going to try to run 2 miles straight tonight. I knew it was going to b a push since I think the farthest I've went before straight through was 1.5 miles. Granted, when I got to 1.5, I was way ready to be done - but I pushed through and sure enough - I DID IT! 2 miles straight!! I slowed down, walked out another .5 miles, the sped up again and ran out another mile to get 3 miles total running in. Of course when I finished with that I thought my legs were about to fall off, so I slowed down quite a bit and cooled off with a .25 mile cool down to finish out the 4 miles total that night.

So another sucessful night! I'm hoping to go again tonight - hopefully durning Grey's so the time flies by!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Rainy Tuesday night - but I went!!

As promised - I haven't given up. As much as I really didn't want to go last night due to the cold, rainy night, I went (thank goodness Biggest Loser was on TV last night!!). And, as I expected, taking 4 days off wasn't the smartest thing to do.

I warmed up just a bit with a walk, then started off the run. And about .5 miles in to it, I was ready to be done. But I kept on it and continued out for 1.25 miles, then had to slow it down. So I walked 1/2 a mile. I then sped it back up and continued for another run for another 1.25 miles. Again, felt like i was going to collapse after it. :-) But I ran a total of 2.5 so I was good. I had 20 minutes left in my hour so I continued to walk it out at an incline. About 5 minutes into walking, it was the 'last chance workout' on the biggest loser on TV and the trainers were yelling at everyone. So I figured, "ok push yourself Laura", so I started back up and ran out another 1/2 mile. I made it, although it was definitely a push for me. This was the farthest I've ran total so far - 3 miles - so I was feeling pretty darn good about things after that!

I'm going again tonight (hopefully they have something other than the debate on TV...) so I'm hoping to get another 3 miles ran in tonight (plus about another 1.25/1.5 in walking). I'll let you know tomorrow how it goes!!


Monday, October 13, 2008


I hate cold weather. I realize it's techically only 'cool' outside and not cold yet, but I know the cold is coming way too quick. And when it's cold out, I get unmotivated to do anything, especially go out in it to do anything. And or course this makes it hard for me to want to get out and go to the gym. I wasn't good this weekend and didn't make it in. I messed around the house when i got home from work today instead of just going to the gym right away, and now all i want to do is curl up on the couch with a blanket.

I know this blog is to keep me motivated - and it will. I'm fully ready to go to the gym tomorrow after work and work out even harder the rest of this week. So don't worry, I'm not giving up. :-)

Friday, October 10, 2008

Another night down

This one's pretty much the same - went to the gym last night - started off with a .25 warm up walk then ran for 1.5, slowed down for .5, then ran out another mile and finished the hour out walking another mile. So I'm pretty steady at getting 4 miles in a night.

I'm going to try to get in again either saturday or sunday so next week doesn't start out so hard again.

I'm off now, back to watching the red sox with brock!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Wedneday night - good night

So up until last night, my workouts have sucked this week. Monday night I was tired and didn't really push myself like I should have. Tuesday night I went, but had a really bad side ache that would not go away (which I was very perturbed at), and I only ended up walking a mile and called it quits. So last night I was determined to get back on it. And I did!

I had mowed my lawn when I got home from work, so I considered that my warm up walk. So when I got to the gym, I started right off with my run. I went 1.5 miles and actually felt like it was getting easier to do. Then I slowed down and walked another .5, then sped up again and jogged out another mile, then finished out the hour with another mile walk. I felt pretty damn good after that! I think it's been the farthest that I've gone so far with this, and total running distance was 1/2 of my goal!! I definitely needed a night like last night after the past couple have been less than steller.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Weekend update and Monday's run

Sorry, I've been slacking a bit getting updates up here. . .

Well the first full week is over since setting my goal. Last Thursday I didn't get to the gym as I was busy running around town trying to figure out plans for bridesmaid dresses for the wedding. So when Friday came around, I was tempted to say screw it for the weekend, but I actually decided be to good and went in Friday night. And I have to say - if you want free choice of machines at the gym - go on Friday nights! I think I was the only one there at one point!

anyway, back to the workouts...Friday's workout was a little toned down. I jogged for 1.25 miles, walked .25, then ran on and off again for the remainder of the 45 minutes I went for. I don't know if it was the end of the week getting to me or what but i was done for after that 45 minute workout!

I was hoping to go again then sometime this last weekend (either Saturday or Sunday), but that didn't happen. Saturday was busy running around town doing errands again and Sunday we had our engagement pics taken and, well, I had no ambition to get back in the gym that day.

So that brings us to last night - Monday night. After getting home from work and chilling on the couch for a while, I again had absolutely no desire to go exercise. BUT, I knew if I just got up and went, I'd feel good about it, and so I did! Started off again with a 5 minute warm up walk, then ran for 1.5 miles. Man, taking 2 days off really sucked my energy out of me too from how well I was doing last week. After the 1.5, I slowed down and walked for .25, then sped back up and went another .5. After that my knees were really starting to kill (there will be posts about how much I hate my knees in the future, FYI) I slowed down again and walked out the rest of the time, but to keep a good heart rate going I increased my incline a bit.

I'm going to keep pushing for my 'long' run to be 1.5 miles this week, and hopefully the knees will cooperate!

(p.s. - thanks for keeping me accountable on this Tiff!!) :-)

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Good TV while running is the BEST!

Ok, I have to start this out saying how nice it is to have new episodes of TV shows again!!! It TOTALLY makes the time go by faster on the treadmill!

Last night I was hoping to push myself to do at least 1.25 miles again, maybe pushing it to 1.5 if I could. Well I was totally in to watching Private Practice while chugging along and got to 1.25 and was doing ok, so I kept going to 1.5. Since I was watching the TV more than my distance, I ended up going over 1.5 when I finally checked it, so I figured, ok, go for 1.75!! AND I DID IT!
Granted I was paying quite a bit more attention at that time to my distance now as I was completelly puttering out at the end now, but i made it!

I cooled down for a bit and walked 10 minutes after that, then sped up and jogged another .5 miles, then continued to walk/jog out the rest of my way. By the end of the night, I had gone a full hour and travled 4 miles total! I was feeling damn good about myself at the end of it, and am excited to see if I can do the 1.75 again tonight!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


well last night's run went pretty good - started off with a 5 minute warm up walk then jogged 1.25 miles, slowed down for a walk for five minutes than jogged another .75 miles, so I'm feeling pretty good that I was able to get 2 miles of running total in. It's pretty amazing how much motivation it is watching Biggest Loser at the same time as my run. I see them working out and know what kind of transformations they're going to be making, which makes me want to do this for myself even more.

I really can't believe how flippin' motivated I am to do this. I sit here at work and think about how far I'm going to try to push myself tonight and how good it's felt to get started with this and what I've done so far.