Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Cold weather sucks

I know, I know...I've been bad about keeping this updated. 1/2 of it is because I kinda forgot to keep it updated the past couple days, but I guess the other 1/2 is that I haven't been good about going to the gym!

Last Thursday I had to stay in town for work so I went to the gym there, but when I started my run, I knew I wasn't going far. I ran 1/2 a mile and felt like keeling over. Now mind you this was the day after I had ran my 2 miles straight, so I was sore and tired and didn't feel like I had anything left in me. But I decided to not make it a total waste and ended up getting a 2 mile walk in still.

Friday night I went out to supper with an old friend in Omaha and when I got home I sat on the couch and fell asleep at seriously 8:30, which PS felt AMAZING!
Saturday Leigh came in to town and Brock and Leigh and I went and watched the game at DJ's Dugout, then Leigh and I did some shopping in the afternoon and didn't get home until 7, which by that time the Red Sox game was on and that was about the only time I got to spend with Brock that weekend, so I stayed and in and watched that with him.
Sunday there was a bridal fair at the MAC in Council Bluffs, so I went to that in the afternoon. If I would have been good, I would have gone to work out after I got done with that, but eh - why do that? I decided to wait another day.
Monday night was another night I really should have gone, but I told myself I needed one more day of not doing anything (as if I hadn't not done enough of not doing anything on Sunday)... :-)

So, that gets me to last night - Tuesday night. I went. And I did better than I thought I would!
Started off with a 1/4 mile walk warm-up then sped up for my run. I didn't know how long I'd be able to go since I hadn't done much the last couple days. As I was chugging along I decided I'd do 3 1-mile legs with a little walk in between them. So I finished out that mile, walked for 1/4, ran another, walked a 1/2, then ran the final mile, then cooled down with another 1/4 mile walk. I was EXAUSTED!! But proud that I did 3 miles with very little walk-time between them.

And now sure enough I'm feeling it today. I'm sitting here at work thinking how great a back massage would be right now...good thing Brock got me a gift certificate for one last Valentine's day that I hadn't had a good opportunity to use yet! Yeah I called this morning and have an appointment next Tuesday to get one. CAN'T WAIT for that!!

Oh yeah - and I hate the cold weather that's coming. HATE IT! Not looking foward to snow, not looking foward to 10, 20, 30 degree weather. The 50 degrees that it was down to last night on the way in to the gym was bad enough. Grrrrr....maybe I should move down to AZ and live with Meg this winter... ;-)

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