Friday, October 24, 2008

Thursday night

So the day off I took on Wednesday from working out was a good idea. I felt MUCH better yesterday.

I started off last night's work out with my .25 warm up walk, then started in for the run. I decided I was going to do the 3 1-mile runs again. As I was going I was watching The Office, so the run didn't seem as bad. I got to my mile marker and figured I could keep going a little more, so I pushed to 1.5. Then I slowed down for another .25 walk, then back up again for another mile run. I was really starting to feel it by the end of the 2nd mile run. Slowed down again for another .25 mile walk, then started back up on mile 3's run. I was dead. I got .25 in to it and my legs were killing me. I decided technically I only needed .5 to do 3 miles of running, so I finished out that .5 and cooled down with a walk the rest of the way out.

Although I didn't get my last mile of running in, I did step up the speed of the first 1.5 miles from what I've been doing, so I feel good about that!!

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