Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Rainy Tuesday night - but I went!!

As promised - I haven't given up. As much as I really didn't want to go last night due to the cold, rainy night, I went (thank goodness Biggest Loser was on TV last night!!). And, as I expected, taking 4 days off wasn't the smartest thing to do.

I warmed up just a bit with a walk, then started off the run. And about .5 miles in to it, I was ready to be done. But I kept on it and continued out for 1.25 miles, then had to slow it down. So I walked 1/2 a mile. I then sped it back up and continued for another run for another 1.25 miles. Again, felt like i was going to collapse after it. :-) But I ran a total of 2.5 so I was good. I had 20 minutes left in my hour so I continued to walk it out at an incline. About 5 minutes into walking, it was the 'last chance workout' on the biggest loser on TV and the trainers were yelling at everyone. So I figured, "ok push yourself Laura", so I started back up and ran out another 1/2 mile. I made it, although it was definitely a push for me. This was the farthest I've ran total so far - 3 miles - so I was feeling pretty darn good about things after that!

I'm going again tonight (hopefully they have something other than the debate on TV...) so I'm hoping to get another 3 miles ran in tonight (plus about another 1.25/1.5 in walking). I'll let you know tomorrow how it goes!!


1 comment:

Tiff said...

OK,'s Wednesday. Where is your post? Come on, girl!vue