Wednesday, October 1, 2008


well last night's run went pretty good - started off with a 5 minute warm up walk then jogged 1.25 miles, slowed down for a walk for five minutes than jogged another .75 miles, so I'm feeling pretty good that I was able to get 2 miles of running total in. It's pretty amazing how much motivation it is watching Biggest Loser at the same time as my run. I see them working out and know what kind of transformations they're going to be making, which makes me want to do this for myself even more.

I really can't believe how flippin' motivated I am to do this. I sit here at work and think about how far I'm going to try to push myself tonight and how good it's felt to get started with this and what I've done so far.


Tiff said...

Will you be my personal trainer after this baby is born!?!?! :)
You're doing great...keep up the good work, love!

Stephanie said...

You go girl!! I just started getting into running too and have been running 3 days a week since July 1. I'm a little worried about keeping it up during the winter, so with your motivating words, I'll keep with it! It is such an awesome feeling to set a goal and reach it. I'm going to check back often, so keep up the good work.